Matariki and our tamariki

Watch the 2021 Matariki webinar series here.

ON 18-19 JULY 2020, ECE Voice hosted a series of nine online PLD webinar hui around of Matariki and kaupapa māori.

The recordings of these webinars are now available below. Please make sure you’ve signed up to support the ECE Voice campaign!

Quick links:
Episode 1: Matariki - Mihi Tibble
Episode 2: Pōhutukawa - Liz Harte
Episode 3: Tupuārangi - Professor Rawinia Higgins
Episode 4: Waitā - Heeni Hoterene
Episode 5: Ururangi - India Logan-Riley
Episode 6: Tupuānuku - Professor Helen May
Episode 7: Waitī - Hazel Meadows
Episode 8: Waipuna-ā-Rangi - Professor Rangi Matamua
Episode 9: Hiwa-i-te-Rangi - Kassie Hartendorp


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

Episode 1: Matariki

Matariki is the whetū that signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the environment and the gathering of people. Matariki is also connected to the health and wellbeing of people.

In this webinar, Mihi Tibble from Tuhi joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters to discuss how we can use knowledge of Matariki and the māramataka to support our tamariki.


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

2 - Pōhutukawa

Pōhutukawa is the whetū connected to those who have passed on.

Following on from her mother's work, Liz Harte (from Pēpi Penapena) joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters in this webinar to discuss ancestral approaches to parenting and dismantle some modern cliches of Māori families.


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

Episode 3: Tupuārangi

Tupuārangi is the whetū connected with everything that grows up in the trees; fruit, berries and manu.

In this te reo Māori webinar, Professor Rawinia Higgins (Chair of the Māori Language Commission, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Māori) of Victoria University of Wellington and member of the Waitangi Tribunal) joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters for a kōrero in te reo about language revitalisation and how we can support educators and whānau to revitalise te reo in our centres and at home.


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

Episode 4: Waitā

Waitā is the whetū connected with the ocean and the food sources within it.

In this webinar, Heeni Hoterene (Maramataka Māori Living by the Māori Moon) joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters to discuss hauora and how the ocean can help us connect with our wairua.


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

Episode 5: Ururangi

Ururangi is the whetū connected with the winds and future planning.

India Logan-Riley (youth climate activist and co-founder of Te Ara Whatu) will be joining ECE Voice supporters in this webinar to discuss how Te Ao Māori can help us raise resilient children in the face of challenges such as climate change.


Episode 6: Tupuānuku

Tupuānuku is the whetū connected with everything that grows in the soil to be harvested or gathered for food.

In this webinar, Emeritus Professor Helen May joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters to discuss Te Whāriki (the early childhood curriculum) and how it upholds the mana of our tamariki.


Episode 7: Waitī

Waitī is the whetū that symbolises all fresh water bodies and the food sources within it.

In this webinar, educator Hazel Meadows from Enviroschools and Waicare joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters to explore the value in our ecology and how we can apply a Te Ao Māori perspective to our wai Māori.


Resources mentioned in this webinar:

Episode 8: Waipuna-ā-Rangi

Waipuna-ā-Rangi is the whetū associated with rain.

In this webinar, Professor Rangi Matamua (Living by The Stars with Professor Rangi Matamua) joins NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters to discuss traditional understanding around Matariki and Māori astrology and how we can use the maramataka with our tamariki.


Episode 9: Hiwa-i-te-Rangi

Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the whetū connected with granting our wishes and realising our aspirations for the coming year.

For the final webinar in our series, NZEI Te Riu Roa members and ECE Voice supporters join Kassie Hartendrop (ActionStation Community Organiser) to reflect on all the kōrero and akoranga over the weekend and how we can apply what we have learnt as we call for change in the early childhood sector.